Saturday, August 22, 2009

long story of my life, made short..

Sat 8/22/09

[line one] I don't care about your life.
I don't care about your strife.
I don't care about your daily ups and downs.
As soon as you crossed that line and made up your mind
To tell me how that you were catching feelings:
You became just another number;
Another ex friend;
Became another hater;
Another waiting for the end.
Just cause I didn't take your offer to be a "better man".
To take me on long walks with us hand in hand.
I never promised you sweet kisses.
I never said I was your missus.
Now you want to call me a bitch,
And get mad cause I was your addict's itch.
Just cause I was cool?
Cause I was nice?
Just cause I am cute?
Cause you thought I'd be your wife.
How could you have even been misled,
When I've been long established as wed?
Well I'm not the one to argue,
To cuss and fuss.. Um, perhaps fight.
You want to be upset? Alright.
Totally fine. Here, take a ticket and add yourself to the back of the line.
Don't try to be my friend when all is said and done,
Cause I will have to redirect your ass back to line one.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

uh pregnant man, just birth shim second child... lol

so the "pregnant man" got pregnant again and just naturally birthed shim second child...

uh TMZ can better explain this confuzzlement...

"Beattie squeezed out a baby boy this morning, "20/20" is reporting. It's Beattie's second child (no name has been decided yet), joining his daughter Susan Juliette.

And just to further your confusion, "20/20" says it was a "natural childbirth" and that Beattie's wife will be the one doing the breastfeeding."

weird, no?!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i know i don't blog religiously
but i believe that i'm going into seclusion for a lil bit...
i have tons of things i have on my mind and need to think about
good bye for now

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

i have a confession...


with that being said, lemme go buy some :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

i'm late again, but President Obama just recently visited England....
he parlayed with the queen and such and had a "ripping ol' time"
well i don't know much about what was discussed between them. what really caught my attention about his visit was one picture.... well you know how the guards at Buckingham palace are supposed to be rigid, no emotion showing, "March of the Wooden Soldier" types:

well that's not how this officer conducted himself upon seeing the President...
happy to see a black man make it... it'd be messed up if he lost his job for this picture

Disclaimer: i did NOT take this picture! don't come tryna sue me because of it. lol

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

you know what grinds my gears?

ugh! guys, guys, guys... i am by far the last woman to ever be a man-hater, but there are a couple things that irk me about your species... well not all of the species, just a couple...... anywhooters, today's topic is
ATTIRE: not necessarily WHAT you wear.. but HOW you wear it..

imaginary situation for the ladies: you're walking down the block and a handsome man is coming your way. his eyes are the most beautiful you've ever seen, his skin is smooth, and his complexion is clear. he smiles as he gets closer and you can't help but notice the rows of pearly white teeth beaming back at you... your heart melts, your body swoons. next thing you subconsciously check are his shoes, which seem to be clean and fresh, well time to introduce yourself. but hold on! WAIT UP THERE HONEY you forgot one more thing.... did you notice, he was waddling down the block? hm.. and where were his hands? they were clutching his waistband... he gets closer and closer as you ponder these things... he tries to speak to you but all you can see is this
oh no "he's turnin' me off!" is all you can think. he tells you a little about himself and your just wondering "why is he wearing a belt if it's not doing its job" and "i wonder if his back hurts from walking like a duck all day"... you politely let him go on his merry way because he looked so sloppy, and then think "why, oh WHY did he have to do that to himself?! he just lost something good for such an annoying infraction"

as superficial as it may seem, saggy jeans can deter you from gaining possibly the greatest girlfriend or wife of your life guys... that shit is NOT and i repeat NOT sexy. i'm not clear as to where it began, but i know for sure in prison you are not allowed to wear belts or have shoe laces, because they can be used as weapons in fights, or to commit suicide. since this seems to be a hip-hop fashion trend, i'm guessing that's where it originated. there are other connotations to sexual orientation said to be linked to sagging pants and prison. a professor of mine used to work on rikers as a psychiatrist. she learned that the lower your pants hung, the more open to sodomy you were. and also if you were someone's bitch you were usually forced to wear your pants that low. scary huh?

true story: i was on the B6 in brooklyn, and i happened to be sitting next to this gay guy [i did not know him from a crack in the wall so i'll just name him Mike]. anyway, Mike and I were commenting and making fun of everything, and that particular day seemed eventful. as we approached the bus stop across the street from South Shore HS on the corner of Papa's Chicken, a young man gets up and stands in front of us...
i swear to you, Mike literally almost jizzed in his pants. when he gets off Mike is just like "mMm girrrrrrrrl! did you SEE DEM BUNS?!" i'm like "of course i did, half of Brooklyn did!" he goes on to say, "what i would do to see those fully off, cause he just gave me a teaser" ::fans himself:: "and then ::licks his lips:: i would..." YADA YADA YADA

so dudes, if you don't want to be labeled as a hoodlum, or scoped out by the wrong person do the right thing!
they say women dress for women and not necessarily for the tastes of men. can it be that men do it also? and how comfortable are you with that... really?
i reiterate for all the stubborn ones, sagging is NOT sexy. just as you'd want something left to the imagination when you're dealing with a real woman, so would we. no one wants to see your cheap draws, or the outline of your crack. real G's leave a little surprise for the bedroom ::wink::!
now do us all a favor, preferably tuck in your shirt some and

DISCLAIMER: this was just an official warning to heterosexual men. in no way do i mean to offend any homosexual men, if any of the matter i wrote about was deemed offensive.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

on a warm day in NYC...
don't be surprised if this gentleman offers to walk you

i'm DEATHLY afraid of them, but i wouldn't mind if he looked like this guy.

LOL well that's a damned lie :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

So I know I'm late, like two years late but I just finished watching August Rush...
I can truly say that this was one of those feel good movies like The Pursuit of Happyness. So basically the point if the story was for this lil orphan boy named Taylor Evans to find his biological parents. His mother is an accomplished cellist. His father is in a band. Unfortunately, they were separated by circumstance. What's worse his mother had been told that the baby didn't make it. Her strict father made up the lie to get her back into music. On her father's deathbed he admitted that he had given the baby up for adoption without her consent.... yada yada yada somehow they all find each other at a music concert...

LOL bad summary huh? i don't wanna give it all away!!

Well here's the 2007 trailer:

I give this film five flames
. WATCH IT! But make sure you sensitive folk have a tissue or two ready. Oh and this is a great movie to watch with the chi'rens! Enjoy :)

Before i go, i'd like to share my most favorite song in the whole movie:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

i am currently under-construction.
so look out :)